You can make an impact
As a donor, you can designate a named grant to support student programs that reflect your interests or values such as STEM, the arts, or simply the greatest needs of the District. You can establish a named grant with a commitment of $20,000 or more, payable over four years. You will also have an opportunity to meet the grant recipients or observe the program in an appropriate manner.
To inform us of your interest in supporting a named grant, or for further information about this opportunity, contact Liz Mayer '02, CFRE, Executive Director at 847-784-2346 or
The Kelly McCullough '78 Grant for WNTH Excellence
Kelly McCullough, New Trier Class of 1978 and award-winning executive in public media and nonprofit management, has created The Kelly McCullough '78 Grant for WNTH Excellence providing funding for New Trier’s WNTH Radio 88.1 FM that gives students the technological capacity to create content, produce podcasts, talk shows, and music radio shows remotely. The technology also allows the club membership to grow and the community to have even more radio content to engage with.
This named grant will provide annual funding to WNTH to use where they have the greatest need. With ever-changing technology, this will go a long way to keep their equipment up-to-date, allow for attendance at conferences, and enable subscription upgrades to further the station’s mission. Further, the named grant will provide a scholarship to a WNTH student who stands out in their senior year.
WNTH held their inaugural Spring Banquet on May 17, 2022 at the Winnetka campus! Students delivered a stellar presentation and led a conversation with alumni who had a great time sharing memories and pointing out how their experience at the radio station set them on a path to become successful in their careers. They were thrilled to see how WNTH rivals some of the best college stations in the country. The highlight of the evening was when Student General Manager Juliette Rechtin received the first ever Kelly McCullough '78 WNTH Scholarship from Mr. McCullough himself.
Fowkes Family Grant Supports Professional Development for IGSS Teachers
New Trier Integrated Global Studies School (IGSS) teachers attended a project based learning conference hosted at High Tech High in California, thanks to the Foundation’s first ever Fowkes Family Grant.
Our teachers worked with conference facilitators and participants from around the world to design curriculum that supports deep learning for IGSS students. The "Project-Based" approach focuses on learning experiences that are relevant, engaging, and student-centered.
Our teachers developed a project on poverty that asked the question, "Why is there so much poverty in a country as wealthy as the United States?" Feedback from conference peers and participants was invaluable, and they are excited to roll out the project with our students next fall.
Professional development opportunities like this provide knowledge and tools for New Trier faculty to create impactful programs for our students.
Kaufman Family Grant Supports Empowerment for Women and Girls
New Trier hosted the Grow the Game Tournament and Shootout with the mission to celebrate and empower girls and women in basketball. Led by email head coaches and officials, Grow the Game raises awareness about the importance of equality and giving all girls and women the opportunity to lead, compete, collaborate, and hone their skills.F
The Kaufman Family Grant, a named grant provided by the Kaufman Family and earmarked for programs that provide leadership development opportunities for girls, supported the effort to expand the impact of Grow the Game by enabling the program to have Lisa Byington as the special guest. Byington, the first full-time woman play-by-play broadcaster for a major American professional sports team, spoke to the young women participating in the tournament about breaking barriers and some of the possibilities for advancing a career in sports.